Sunday, July 1, 2012

Hello World!!

Welcome to my very first ever blog.

I've been told that blogging is a great tool to use for creating a presence and giving people an idea of what kind of person you are, something that can be great to give people an idea of who you are without ever meeting you.

But where to begin? A bit about me would probably be a decent start.

Well, my name is Leigh, I am a 27 year old Games Design student living in the kingdom of Yorkshire with my long term girlfriend Alex and our 3 pet rats. I work full time at a well known supermarket in produce distribution.

I've had numerous jobs in various sectors over the years, ranging from labouring on construction sites to accounts management in a big company, none of which have ever felt like a calling. Even when I went to university to study Quantity Surveying, he didn’t feel like it was something that he wanted to do for the rest of his life. I decided to quit and pursue a career in something that I truly love – video games. I was working towards a Train2Game Games Developer qualification but after working as a Developer/Designer on the DeathTrap Dungeon project with IndigoJam for the Epic and Train2Game Make Something Unreal Live competition, I realised that my aptitude, skills and enjoyment leaned more towards being a well rounded designer. Luckily I have been given the opportunity to switch to the Games Design course instead.

I have a great interests in most forms of media, music, TV, movies, sports etc but my true passion is for video games.

I plan on making this blogging lark a regular thing, topics and subjects are still to be decided but I hope they will all entertain and some may even inform, but I look forward to doing more and any feedback would be appreciated.

Until next time.

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